I'm not sure what I'm going to do with this girl. Today I found her, once again during naptime, in Alaina's crib. Both girls totally naked. Paige was putting sunscreen on Alaina and had unravelled a roll of toilet paper all over the room. When I walked in she cried, "We're nakey, we're nakey!"
Then, when we were putting the girls to bed tonight. I was reading to Paige while Mark put Alaina down. He came into the room and asked why Alaina's bed was wet. My first thought was that Alaina peed in it this afternoon, but immediately, Paige said, "I did it, I did it." I asked her how she got it wet. Her reply was, "with my butt!" Seriously?! She peed in Alaina's crib.
What do you do?! She does get disciplined EVERY time and she doesn't seem to care. Does anyone have any suggestions of how to get Paige to have a quiet time everyday without disturbing everything she can get her hands on? I'm not so much wanting to put her in front of the TV and I really don't care if she sleeps. I just need her to stay in her room and play quietly for a while.
Pastina Soup (aka Italian Penicillin)
14 hours ago
It's not a suggestion (because I have no experience with that age), but hopefully a "you're not alone" encouragement. I have several friends who have kids about the same age who will punish themselves (like put themselves in time out) and then do what they want to do. Must be an age thing? Oh, what I have to look forward to!
Melanie, Lindsay acts VERY similar to this, and her sibling isn't even here yet! There are MANY times I have come to check on her during her quiet time, only to find her pants AND Pull-up out in front of the door to her room and the door closed. I usually find her inside her room and even have had the "joy," MANY times, of cleaning up an accident. I'm not sure what the deal is! We've tried all sorts of discipline techniques AND all of the methods I learned in my psych & ed classes for teaching in college. Some things work for a few days and others don't work at all! I think this is just some sort of stage - at least, that's what I'm hoping! Hang in there; I'm trying to as well, and you are not alone! :)
-Jennifer Jordan
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