If you know me well, you know that crafts aren't my thing. They're messy and just not my thing. Play dough especially, will never be an activity that causes me delight. Yeah, yeah, it's not about me. But it is, I have to clean up all those ground in dough pieces from my floor, table, chairs, and clothes. And I'm not creative, so it just isn't fun. And until now the girls have too little to want to do things on their own. It was just painful. Yes, we have play dough. Yes, they have played with it.....twice! I'm kind of kidding, it might be more like 3 times.
I'm kind of that way with all crafts. If they can play with it and clean it up mostly independently, great, lets do it. If not, it probably won't happen at my house. I think now that they are getting older it will be more fun and happen more often.
Well, imagine my children's delight, when, after I accidently spilled a large amount of spaghetti on the floor, I delared it craft time. I gave them each a good amount of spaghetti noodles and a pile of mini marshmellows and let them go to it, building whatever kind of tower/artwork they would like.
They LOVED it! Mark and I may have helped a little. Mark helped Alaina more as she had a harder time getting it how she wanted it. But Paige really did a great job.
Alaina just liked to put the marshmellows on the noodles and REALLY wanted to eat them!
They were proud of their creations and stayed on our counter for too many days.