I've decided that this year on the eve of the girls' birthdays I would write their birth stories. I want to have them written so I remember and for the girls to one day read and enjoy. Alaina, this is your story. . .
I don't remember the exact day that we found out we were pregnant with you. We had been planning to have another baby and wanted you to be a couple years younger than Paige. So it wasn't a surprise when the test came out positive. I took Paige out to Barnes and Noble and we picked out a book titled,
I'm a Big Sister. When Daddy got home from work I told him Paige had something to show him and she took him the book. We were VERY excited and a little bit nervous. Paige had been such a hard baby that we were a little scared that you would be too.
I was really sick the first 15 weeks I was pregnant with you and ended up having to take some medication for it. I sucked on Preggie Pops all day long. But, after the 15 weeks, it was smooth sailing, no braxton hicks, no high blood presser. We found out you were girl at our 20 week ultrasound and were really happy that Paige would have a sister. We told everyone. We started to think about what we were going to name you. I had picked out Alaina and Daddy really liked Kate. We both liked both the names, but neither of us wanted to give up our name. It wasn't until a few weeks before you were born that we decided you would be Alaina Kate. And we didn't mind calling you Lainey.
On Sunday, when I was 38 weeks pregnant I got Influenza A. I was horribly sick. This most sick I have ever felt in my life. I was worried about you and concerned that you would get it. The doctor assured me that you probably just didn't feel real good, but would be fine. I did take Tamaflu along with Paige and Daddy. They never got sick. Lots of prayers were being said for Mommy and you. That Friday I had my doctors appointment. I was feeling a lot better. I was dilated to 1 and she said that if I wanted, I could be induced the next morning. My cervix wasn't very soft, so she said it may take a while to get going, but I could be induced if I wanted. I said sure. It would work out being a weekend that Nana and Papa could come and watch Paige, so Daddy and I could go in and have you.
Well, you had other plans. I was supposed to call into the hospital at 6am to make sure they had a bed, then go in at 8am. I couldn't sleep that night and was frustrated because it was my last night of uninterrupted sleep for a long time. I started having contractions at 1am or so. I guess you wanted to come on your terms. (Sounds a lot like you now.) We headed in when the contractions got to 5 minutes apart. I think it was around 6am.
I was dilated to 6 when I got there and immediately asked for an epidural. Unfortunately, shift change was at 7, so I had to wait until almost 8 before I ended up getting it. By the time it took, I was at 9cm. I sent your Daddy to have breakfast at 8:30 thinking it would probably be a little bit. The minute he walked out the door, I knew that was a mistake. You were coming. He must have known because he didn't stay gone long. You arrived at 8:54am on April 5th after one push. Yep, my one push wonder. Thank you God! You were healthy and strong.
You were beautiful. And I loved you. And you cried. And you cried. Then cried some more. You nursed well, but sleep, not so much. The first night was alright. I even sent Daddy home to sleep. But the day before we were going to bring you home, I lost it. I cried because you cried. I knew what it was like to bring a crying baby home and I didn't think I could do it. I didn't want to do it. I already had a toddler at home and knew that I couldn't survive on no sleep with a baby that cried all day. Daddy stayed with me the second night. When the doctor came the next morning, I was sobbing. We were supposed to be going home. I was supposed to be happy. She asked if I wanted an anti-depressent. I did, and I took it for 10 months. I needed help, and it took the edge off.
Initially, after bringing you home, I thought you would be a perfect baby. You didn't cry as much as I thought you would. And you slept. I slept you on your tummy from the befinning, even though all medical personnel warned me that you would surely die if I did. You didn't! Then the dreaded two weeks hit and you started crying. Not like Paige had, but definitely for like 6 hours a day. . .everyday. We do think that you had colic and it did go away after 3 months and the world looked brighter.
I can't believe that 2 years have gone by. I'm looking forward to watching you grow into the woman God has created you to be. I love you sweet baby!