Wednesday, September 29, 2010

All About Alaina!

It's been awhile since I've posted, so I posted quite a few new ones today.  Make sure to keep reading after this one. 
 This post is all about Alaina.  I want to give you an update on our baby.  She is so quickly leaving the baby behind and trying to be a big girl.  Her she is with stickers on her face, courtesy of her big sis.
 She just can't quite get enough.
Alaina is our spirited child.  She will not be bullied or persuaded into something she doesn't want to do.  And believe me, I've tried.  She would rather forego something fun (or delicious), than do (or eat) something that doesn't suit her.  All in all, this isn't a bad trait, it's actually a very good thing, if we channel it towards wise choices.  Just this morning she threw herself on the ground at the top of the stairs because I didn't carry her down.  She cried and screamed and carried on for an hour before heading to the couch and almost falling asleep.  I went up because she got quiet, and she walked down with me after I talked to her about it.  I can't even tell you how many desserts she's missed because she refuses to even try her vegetables.  She'll watch us eat ours and cry about not getting any, but won't touch that bite she needs.

On the other hand, she is super animated about life.  When she is excited, her whole body lights up.  When she is upset, her whole body shows it.  Her facial expressions are priceless.  She ADORES her big sis and tries to copy everything she does and says.  They play well together, most of the time. She wants to walk and not sit in the stroller, but has a hard time controlling herself and staying by me.  We're working on that. 

Alaina LOVES to sing.  Her favorites are Today is the Day from Bible School, The Bible Book Bop, Jesus Loves Me, The Wheels on the Bus, and Skinny Marinky Dinky Dink(which is just too cute for words). 

This girl runs, not walks.  She has forever.  She is full speed ahead and has a hard time slowing down.  She wants to do and say everything.  The other week while taking a bath, she decided to back float.  I'm not kidding, the girl can float on her back.  It's amazing.  I need to get a video on here soon. She keeps us on our toes and teaches us so much.

Here are a couple conversions we've had with Alaina:
M:  Hey baby!
A:  I Naina!
M:  But you're my baby.
A:  No, you baby.
M:  I'm not a baby, your my baby.
A:  No, you baby, I Naina.
(She's always Naina, never our princess, or our baby, or any other title we can come up with.)

This conversation took place after Alaina ran down the sidewalk away from her Daddy and wouldn't turn around.  I may not have it word for word, but pretty close.
D:  Alaina, you need to obey.  Daddy asked you to turn around and Daddy's the boss. 
A:  No, I boss.
(much chuckling from Mommy)
D:  No Alaina, Daddy is the boss.  Who is the boss?  (We thought that since she always corrects us the other way, she would go along with this one, not so much.  Smart girl!)
A:  I boss.
She didn't win this one, we drilled it in that Mommy and Daddy are the boss.  She responds correctly now.

Alaina is busy.  She goes from one thing to the next and rarely lasts more than two minutes doing anything.  She brings so much joy and laughter(when we remember to laugh and not get mad) to our home.  We love her to pieces and I'm going to miss this stage when she grows out of it. 

1 comment:

Andrea G. said...

I think she is looking even more like her big sister!!