Monday, October 24, 2016

St. Louis Day One

The girls had a couple days off of school for conferences, so we planned ahead this year and took a little mini vacay to one of our favorite cities...St. Louis!  We love all the fun places there are to visit for pretty much free.  The zoo may be at the top of our list to visit.
It was all decorated for halloween.

This little guy (or girl) loved interacting with the girls and would follow their hands with his nose.

He also posed for a photo with these cuties.

It is COLD in the penguin habitat!

Kali (pronounced Cully, the polar bear, had to have been one of our favorite animals.  He is 3 and 1/2 years old and weighs 1200lbs.

I sure love my monkeys.

Riding the train!  The girls got to be mini conductors and gave the "All Aboard" through the microphone at a few stations.  They thought it was pretty cool.

It's hard to see the 2 snakes in the background.

It was a fun day capped off with swimming at the hotel.  

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Homecoming Week

It was Homecoming Week for Clear Creek Amana.  I didn't get pictures everyday, which is a bummer, but here are a few shots I did get.
Wacky Wednesday:  The girls wanted to have their hair coming out of cups.  I feel like we pulled it off pretty well.

The girls at the bus stop.

Fancy day:  I didn't get any other pics, but I did manage to snap this one of Paige and her friends at recess.  She is middle left. (Photo bombed by Mr. Creach)

Clipper Spirit Day: My favorite!  

It was rainy, that morning!

We went to the high school football game for the first time that night.  The girls loved it, especially Paige.  I can't believe she is old enough to hang out with friends behind the bleachers the whole game.  We told her she had to have Alaina with her, but Alaina got tired of the crazy and came back to sit with Mark and I to watch the game.

A Tender Heart and the Election

It seems my posts lately are all about Alaina.  She does provide good material and didn't fail to disappoint today.

It's an election year and we are about a month away from electing a new president.  I saw somewhere how this years election is all about voting AGAINST a particular candidate, as opposed to voting FOR a candidate.  The square-off is between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.  Yes, future grandchildren, those are our choices.

The girls got off the bus today talking about how kid's on the bus where saying they liked Hillary and hated Trump. (We live in a VERY liberal county that is democrat heavy.)  I wouldn't say Trump would be our first choice for president, but Hillary might be our last choice for president.  Back to the story, I asked the girls if they asked the other kids why?  No, they hadn't and the subject got changed and life went on.

Fast forward an hour or so.  Paige was at a neighbor friend's house and I was walking Alaina to a different friend's house to see if they wanted to play at the park.  They couldn't, and on the walk home she brought back up the election.  Alaina has always been my patriotic child.  She is always interested in elections and laws and why things are the way they are.  I asked her if she knew why we supported Donald Trump and not Hillary Clinton.  She didn't and asked why.  I went on to explain the different reasons we feel she would be a bad choice (Benghazi, deleting emails, lying, anti-guns, Iran, healthcare, etc) and ended by telling her the worst is that she thinks it's okay to kill babies who haven't been born yet and are still in their mommy's tummies.

This broke her heart.

My girl got teary eyed as she tried to wrap her head around why anyone would want to kill a baby.  I tried to explain that some people don't believe that they are really babies with rights until they are born and that mom's should get to choose to keep or kill that baby if it is still in her body. My eight year old then said, in all her eight year old wisdom, with a shaky tear filled voice, "But someone chose to keep THEM!"  Someone chose to keep Hillary, and Donald, and me, and you.  She got it. Right then, nothing else mattered.  She couldn't understand how anyone could vote for someone who thinks that it's okay to kill babies.

And then she got physically scared for our country.  I had to stop her right there and asked her, "Alaina, who do we put our trust in?"  "God," she said.  "Yes, and He is in control.  We can trust Him. Hillary and Donald need Jesus, honey."  She relaxed, but wanted to know why someone isn't telling them about Jesus because if they know Jesus they wouldn't want to do bad things.  She's right!  How amazing would it be if our country was truly led by people who followed Christ.

She then went on to ask why God can't just defeat Satan right now and make him go to hell forever?
Seriously?! She's 8! I said, "Are you ready for Jesus to come get us so we can live with him forever?" "YES", she said. From her lips to God's ears. Please Jesus, we are ready.  Come get us anytime!

In the meantime, we will pray! We will pray for this election and the American voters.  We will pray for Hillary and Donald.  We will pray for Congress, and the House and Senate, and for our Supreme Court judges.  We will pray for Jesus to save come and save us.  Don't underestimate how much children can understand.  They are amazing and their faith knows no boundaries.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Alaina and the Hawkeyes

I got to take this wanna-be cheerleader to the U of Iowa Homecoming Parade on Friday. (Paige was a a birthday sleepover party.)  We had a great time.  It's definitely a perk of living so close to the University, that we get to experience a lot of Hawkeye activities.  Here she is in front of the Old Capital Building. 

It's a fun parade.  All the local high school bands march, the athletes all walk, and it ends with Herky, the cheer squad, and the Hawkeye marching band.  

Pure joy on this sweet girl's face!

And all her dreams came true as she posed with a couple cheerleaders. She even got to hold their pom poms.  She claims they were very sweaty.  Ha!

One more....

I was watching Titanic this afternoon for about the 10th time.  It ended right at the girls' bedtime.  We were talking about the movie and I mentioned that I had probably wasted about 2 days of my life watching that movie.  (Sad, I know.)  Then Alaina says, "Did you watch it in black and white back then?"  No, baby girl, I did not.  She went on to tell me how Nana told her about only having a radio and no TV.  She is something else!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

The Things Alaina Says...

While listening to her new favorite song by For Kings and Country called Priceless, Alaina was wondering what priceless meant.  I told her it meant that something means so much to you that you wouldn't sell it for any amount of money.  Our conversation went a little like this:

Me:  You are priceless to me.  I wouldn't sell you for any amount of money.
A: Not even a million dollars?
Me: Not even a billion dollars, not even 10 billion dollars.  I love you too much.
A: What about 100,000 billion dollars?
Me: Nope.  Look at it this way.  Would you sell Mommy for a billion dollars?
A:  Yes, because I'd still have Daddy!

Well played, Alaina!

Here's another one:

A: Mom, what do you want to be when you grow up?
Me: Ah, don't you think I've already grown up?
A: No.........Nana hasn't died yet!

She doesn't think you grow up until you are a grandma.  Funny girl!

One more:
A: Mom, I'm not trying to be mean.  I'm not, but sometimes it looks like your going to have another baby.  Not to be mean.  I'm not trying to be mean.

I got her message loud and clear.  (And we had a little discussion about how we use our words to uplift and encourage others.)  Oy! This girl!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


Here we are another year down.  I am still trying to keep all this info in the same place.  Here are the 2016 Paige and Alaina stats.  The physical gap is closing as they get older.  There is now only 5 inches and 5 pounds separating them.  The personality gap, however, is still as wide as the Grand Canyon.  But they are becoming the best of friends which warms this momma's heart.  They insist on sleeping together in Paige's twin bed every night and my favorite sight each day is looking in on them sleeping inches from one another so peacefully.  My greatest blessings definitely do call me Mom.

Paige stats:
Age - 10
Height - 144.2 cm/56.75 in/4ft 8 and 3/4in = 80%
Weight - 29.5kg/65.1lb = 25%
BP - 112/64

Alaina stats:
Age - 8
Height - 131.5cm/51.75in/4ft 3 and 3/4in = 65%
Weight - 27.55kg/60.7lb = 60%
BP = 112/58

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


One thing I would go back and do different, is to never start letting my girls attend sleepovers.  It isn't something I thought too much about, to be frank.  I had fun at them as a kid.  It started out harmless with families that we know well and trust, but then, there are girls at those sleepovers who ask, and pretty soon, I wish I had never said yes to any of them.  So far it has been fine We are learning as we go and talking about what to do if certain situations would ever come up.  So if you have littles and sleepovers haven't started yet, think it through.  Here's what I would change.  I would let them go, but pick them up at 10pm instead of having them stay all night.  They would get to be there for all the fun, but then come home for a good nights sleep.  I would do this across the board, no matter who it is.  Yes, I am the parent, and I won't always say yes to sleepovers if I'm uncomfortable.  I just wanted to put it out there, that I would do it different from the start next time.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

It's morning...Right?!

So last night Mark and I rented a movie to watch after the girls went to bed.  They'd had a few late nights and busy days so it was an early to bed night...7:30 (gasp).  We got them all tucked in and started our movie in the basement.  Around 8:30 we heard little footsteps on the main floor.  I yelled up to see who was up.  No answer and we heard footsteps run back upstairs to the bedroom.  I thought whoever it was just needed a drink.  Which is nothing new.  Next thing we know, we hear footsteps again and this time Alaina appears on the steps coming down the basement.  She is completely dressed and asked what we were doing and why Daddy wasn't at work.  Little Miss thought she had slept all night, came down and opened the shades (the sun hadn't set yet, so there was still light), got dressed for the day, and was wearing a big smile.  She had NO IDEA it was still evening. We sure got a good chuckle.

Alaina doesn't really care to be laughed with, so she is not super fond of this story yet.  We keep telling her she needs to learn to laugh at herself.  Someday we will read this and all laugh together.