My girls BOTH had swim lessons this week. I regretably forgot my camera each and every day. Bummer! They take private lessons from a college gal that goes to our church. Alaina loves the water and truly isn't afraid of going under. She still has SOME fear, but not enough to inhibit learning. She spent the week learning to kick, jumping into the pool and going under the water, and trying to learn to blow bubbles under the water. The main objective is for her to go under enough that she learns when the appropriate time is to hold her breath. She does well, and was so exhausted every day that she was asleep by the time we left the parking lot.
Paige was my superstar. Last December, when she took lessons for the first time, she wouldn't even get her neck wet. We finished that week with her able to walk on her own in the water with the water up to her chin, but there was NO WAY she would willingly put her head under. By Thursday this week, she was willingly jumping in with her head going under water. Today, while Alaina had her lesson, she was showing me how she puts her head in, and opens her eyes, She learned the chicken, airplane, soldier kick. She is still nervous about floating, but has come a LONG way in a few short lessons.
We should have a great summer at the pool!