Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas with Grampie and Grammie!

The first family picture with Skylar. 

The three grandkids:  Skylar (1 month), Paige (3 years), and Alaina (20 months)

Paige got lots of art supplies for Christmas.  It is, by far, her most favorite activity.

Alaina with her and Paige's new babies.  She LOVES babies.

Mark with his new photo editing software.  I'm sure he will put it to good use.

Paige enjoyed helping everyone open their gifts, while Alaina is still playing with her babies and Uncle Mat.

More games for her "Puter".  She got the Leap Frog Click Start Computer for her birthday.  We just set it up this fall, since we are spending more time inside.  She has learned a lot and does a great job playing.

Lainey got some new crayons from Grammie. 

Great Grandma Frances with the three great grandchildren.

As I said before Lainey LOVES babies.  She was enamored by her cousin Skylar and always wanted to give him hugs.

I enjoyed holding Skylar.  It is so fun to hold new babies.  I especially loved that I got to give him back to his mom and dad to take home for the night.  He is a good baby and so sweet.

The girls thought it was great to wash Grampie's hair with the bubbles from Grammie's dishwater. 

Reindeer Casey

Thursday, December 17, 2009

My Little Cowgirl!

Jenna's Baby Shower

My sister-in-law is due to have a baby any day now.  Her sister and I threw a baby shower for her last Saturday.  It wasn't a huge shower, but I think everyone had fun.  I can't wait to meet my new niec or nephew.  She is due January 11, so I don't have to wait much longer. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Who knew. . .

. . .so much fun could fit in one box!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

All Things Paige

Mark put on his ski mask to go out and blow snow today. Paige saw him and said, "Daddy, you look like a superhero!" Priceless! 

It's just not right!

I just don't understand how she fell asleep like this.  She wouldn't let me move her head back onto the stroller.  Every time I tried, she would wake up, get upset, and go right back into this position.

(Sorry for the quality, these were taken on my phone.)

Friday, December 4, 2009


I've been blessed to get to watch Payton a couple afternoons a week.  He is the son of our friends, Corey and Heather.  Paige is totally enamored with this boy.  She ADORES him and really wants to help take care of him. 

It makes me realize how big she is when I see her laying beside him.  Time sure does fly.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Over Thanksgiving we got the pleasure of having some great friends visit.  Mark's former (before me!) roommate, Sandeep was here from Oregon with his "friend", Jen.  He moved out there to do his residency and it has been a long time between visits.  Blake and Sangeetha were here from Omaha. Kedron and Rachel came with their two boys from Indianola.  Greg and Emily hosted us all so very graciously.  It was a wonderful afternoon of pizza, laughter, and story telling.  We truly miss having everyone living here, but are so thankful for their friendships across the miles.  It is so rare to find friends that last a lifetime, that no matter how much time passes between visits, you pick up right where you left off.  Thanks for sharing your vacations with us.  We truly cherish you!  Couples from Left:  Kedron and Rachel (holding Eli) Bardwell,  Mark and I, Greg and Emily Isaacson, Blake and Sangeetha Youngman, and Sandeep Kumar and Jen (sorry, I don't know your last name). 

Our "goofy" picture.

This was taken right after Mark took a "surprise" picture and we were all laughing about it and sure enough, he snapped another one.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Mark was on call this year for Thanksgiving, so we spent the time at home.  My parents came for a few days to celebrate with us.  We spend every other Thanksgiving and Christmas alternating between Mark's and my family.  This was our year to have Thanksgiving with Mark's parents, but with his brother just having a new baby, and Mark being on call, we celebrated with them last weekend.  And since all my married siblings were with their in-laws, my parents would have been alone, so they joined us with my sister Amber.  It was relaxing and fun to have them here.  Alaina got an ear infection Thanksgiving day, so after a near sleepless night, we took her in on Friday and got her some meds.  Mark got up at 3:30am to hit a couple Black Friday sales.  He got what he wanted, so I think it was worth it.  We always say that we will get up if we will save hundreds, but it's just not worth saving a few bucks. 

Hmm. . . Do you think Paige likes Cool Whip?!

And you couldn't give Alaina Pumpkin Pie fast enough!

This started out as just Alaina diving into my arms from the table.  But it looked like so much fun that Paige came over and joined in.

I just have to remember these times when I have hard days.  It is so worth it.  These girls are precious and they won't stay this small forever. 

Nana and the girls!  Can you tell that Alaina had an ear infection?  The poor girl felt horrible.  We ended up taking her in on Friday.

Alaina isn't too sure of Papa's whiskers.

But she did like going for a ride in the basket.

Things I am thankful for this year. . .
1.  Being saved by grace!
2.  My husband who selflessly serves our family every day!
3.  Paige - who keeps me on my toes, yet is so sensitive.
4.  Alaina - her zeal for life and ambition to try new things.
5.  Our extended family and the blessings they are to us!
6.  New life - new cousins for our girls!
7. Freedom to live and worship how we choose!
8.  Friends - without which I would go crazy!  They keep me sane and never judge.
9.  Mark's job!
10.  God's provision for our family in all things!