Last week we went to Bloomsbury Farm with MOPS. It turned out to be a great morning to go. The weather was nice and the kids really had a lot of fun.
Doesn't she look like a natural? I would so love for my girls to be little cowgirls.
Zach and Alaina are so cute. They want to do everything the big kids do.
Hmm. . .are cats made for riding? I think she was a bit confused.
They have an enormous jumping pillow on the farm. The girls thought it was great. I think it would be fun to have at home.
Paige and Hannah getting some serious air time.
We got to go on a hayrack ride and through the kids corn maze. It was a fun learning experience for them.
Can these two be any cuter?!
This child has no fear of the animals. She tried to pet them all.
The girls also had fun climbing on all the tires. They were huge! I just couldn't think about how dirty they were getting.
"Ta Da!" is exactly what Paige exclaimed as she conquered getting into the tire.
Just to show exactly how big that tire really is.
I truly wish my girls were growing up in the country. Both Mark and I did and would love that for our kids. There's nothing like it, but I'm thankful for experiences like these that give the girls a chance to really get dirty and enjoy themselves in an environment that doesn't stress me out. It was great to be able to let both girls walk and experience things for themselves.