This was our first Christmas morning spent at home. It is important to Mark and I to start our own Christmas traditions. We are still going to travel to grandparent's homes, but want to at least be home for Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. We also have decided that we want our girls to grow up knowing the true meaning of Christmas, which is the birth of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. So Paige and I sang Happy Birthday to Jesus at breakfast. This also means that Santa doesn't play a part in our Christmas. I know that Paige doesn't really get it yet, but we tell her that Santa is just a man in a costume. Someday we will read her the story of Saint Nicholas and how Santa came about, but for right now, she doesn't really question it.
It was so fun to see Paige's excitement as she came down the stairs and said with a big gasp, "Presents!"
My lambs sitting in front of their presents.
Paige helped me make Monkey Bread before we opened presents. She insisted we were making Monkey Munch because we had made that the day before. She is such a good helper now. And for those that are wondering. I did cut Paige's hair. She hates to have her hair washed, combed, done up. It's just easier to have it short. I hope it doesn't look too bad considering I did it myself.
Alaina patiently waiting to open presents.
Alaina with her books. I love the open mouth. It looks like she is in awe.
Alaina with her new top.
This year we got Paige dress up outfits. It was fun to watch her transform into a princess.
I love it. She even put on the clip on earrings. Mark says that we are going to have to take the girls camping this summer. We have way too much princess going on.
Paige all dressed up with her new vanity and dress tree.
Alaina got a Little People Farm. Paige thought that all the gifts were hers. It is a great way to teach her about sharing and kindness because it was ok for her to play with Alaina's new toys, but if Alaina took something of Paige's, it was the end of the world.
I got some Zumba workout DVD's. I'm really excited.
Here are my cherished ones with their stockings.
My little sunshine!