Saturday, November 26, 2011

You may hear them say....

"Casey is a stunk."(skunk)
"I'm so stirsty!"(thirsty) or "I'm stirsty, stirsty, stirsty!"  (She's not at all dramatic!)
"Can I hold she?"/ "I lub she!"
"I'm so starving to eat!"
"I want a magic spoon!" (She apparently doesn't care for plastic kid spoons anymore and wants to use silver spoons, which she has dubbed "magic spoons".
"I'm hungry for breaksast."
"Lasterday" - any day that came before today
"Is Keller here yet?" = Is Heather here yet?
"I have a tummy hache!"

"I stampled that for you to keep it together!"  stampled = stapled
"I losed the right one!" losed = used
"I weend that!" weend = need
"Pretty Mantis" - praying mantis
"Can I have breaksast now?"
"Lasterday" - any day that came before today
"I have a tummy hache!"

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